Social Media Marketing for Small Business: Video Content & Livestreaming

(Image: Frame of a Video by Kampus Production from Pexels)
Have you considered livestreaming on social media for your small business? In today’s current digital climate, it’s become a popular social media marketing strategy with more and more brands live streaming on social media. It’s a great way of establishing a closer relationship with your audience, both your customers and prospects.
But perhaps you’re not convinced yet or just not sure how to go about it. Read on as we show you all the different reasons to why your small business (B2B or B2C) should be livestreaming on social media.
What is Live Streaming on Social Media?
Essentially live streaming is live video on social media. It’s the online streaming of video recorded and broadcast at the same time in real time. It can now be done on just about any social media platform: Facebook, X, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. It can be recorded of course and watched later. During live streaming your customers can watch and connect with you one-on-one.
They can share comments and ask you questions in real time. You can do the same. So, it’s a live conversation between yourself and your customers making it highly interactive. During COVID video content and just live streaming had its renaissance with events and conversations moving online.
But now it is still popular and so you should consider investing in this type of social media marketing for small business. It is a great way of building your thought leadership on social media too.
Build a Personal Connection, Trust and Engagement on Social Media
Naturally having a live conversation with your customers is going to do wonders for building your brand, but also for building a personal connection, trust, and engagement. Today’s customers want these three elements so as a business you want to be able to give it to them. Or else you’ll lose out to your competition.
Through livestreaming you'll be establishing a close and intimate connection in the moment with your customers that you can’t get from just social media posts and blogs. These are still important of course and should be part of your content marketing strategy. But livestreaming will enable a much deeper and more dynamic relationship with your customers-both existing and new ones.
Live Streaming & Content Marketing for Business
If live streaming hasn’t been a part of your content marketing in 2024, make it part of your content marketing in 2025. In fact, it should form an essential part of your overall social media marketing for small business. This is also relevant of course for big business. But we know that sometimes small business can get left out so we wanted to really focus on social media marketing for small business in this blog.
If you don't know where to start or perhaps are just struggling with time commitments a content marketing expert can help you craft a well written authentic script for your livestream content. Of course, with a livestream not everything will go according to script as there’s room for spontaneous moments with your customers.
This is to be encouraged for better engagement and overall interaction. After all you don’t want to sound like a robot running off a script. In both B2B and B2C customers want to see the real you so show them during your livestream. Be authentic but always keep it professional for your brand!
Live Streaming is Easy to Do on Social Media
You don’t need to be a highly technical person to live stream so don’t let the technology intimidate you. All you need is a smartphone and a social media account. Just some basic tech know-how is needed in the beginning to set yourself up but once this is established its essentially 1,2,3.
Livestreaming can be done by anyone; no degree or certification is required. You just require a good and willing attitude to connect with your customers in real time. You’ll find after a few live streams you’ll be confident and your engagement with your customers will grow exponentially.
You’ll get a loyal and dedicated audience who will come back for more. This audience will tell others too so the potential for growing your brand and getting new customers are big.
Keep Your Live Streaming on Simple
As with so many things in life, the saying ‘’keep it simple’’ can easily apply to your live steaming on social media and your overall social media marketing for small business. There’s no need for complexity. Remember your customers want quality video content from a brand that’s authentic and engaging.
This means more to them than the perfect audio and perfect lighting. So, invest your time on delivering these and you’ll have loyal and raving fans that will be with you throughout your business journey. At a later stage of your business you may want to consider in investing in a high end video production but when your just starting out and building your brand and customers there is no need to adopt this strategy. Keep your social media marketing for small business simple and you’ll get a nice ROI.
Social Media Prioritises Live Content
Did you know that social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn prioritise live content in their newsfeeds? All the more reason your business should be live streaming on social media. It not only gets your brand message out there in people’s newsfeeds but helps with your overall SEO and ranking.
In 2024, Google’s SEO algorithm highly favours live video, and so live video are given emphasis in the search results and we can expect to see this trend In 2025. Rememebr when done well, livestreaming makes for a great user experience and Google is all about the user experience. This won’t change anytime soon.
Live Streaming is Timely for Business
Live streaming is timely (as it happens) so it helps you keep on top of the latest trends and news in your industry. This is great to take advantage of and report to your audience. For instance, if a new product is about to be launched you can go live and talk about it before its launched and even before your competition talks about it.
This timely aspect of live streaming makes it exciting for your customers who want to be at the forefront of what's happening. In today’s 24/7 globally connected world, timing is everything!
Interview Guests Live on Social Media
As a business aside from showcasing your expertise in your industry you should invite guests - experts, thought leaders, influencers etc, and do a live interview with them. This can all be done from the comfort of your own home.
Live guests help drive engagement and your audience gets the chance to participate by asking guests questions. Consider doing a giveaway or prize at the end of your chat to further drive engagement.
Make it Easy for Customers to Come to You
With live streaming its never been easier for customers to come to you. Forget the hassle of having to travel to meet you in person, now it can all be done from the comfort of their own home. COVID proved it could be done effectively with both parties benefiting. So, it is a trend that’s going to continue well into the future as ease and efficiency are huge motivational drivers.
Repurpose Your Video Content
Repurposing content is a clever and highly effective marketing strategy which all businesses should be making use of. It’s essentially recycling your content into other forms to further spread and reinforce your brand message.
When it comes to your live streams you can repurpose these into blog posts, website content, infographics and much more. Not to mention you can live stream at the same on different platforms to further expand your reach.
You Can Present a Whole Range of Events on Livestream
It can be easy to just think that your severely limited with live streaming events. After all you don’t have that in person interaction and of course food and drinks that often go with such events. But the reality is as the COVID pandemic showed us you can live stream a lot of events:
- Q & A sessions
- Interviews
- Conferences
- Office parties
- Tours
- Demos of products
- Masterclases
- and more
- Remember the more you invest in building your brand and in building authenticity and engagement with your customers the more live streaming will work for you.
Start implementing live streaming for your social media marketing for small business if you haven’t already done so and witness a transformation for your business.
Let our team be part of that transformation by allowing us to help you with your overall content marketing strategy. Book a Time Now to Chat about your overall content goals and business objectives.